Wednesday, November 17, 2010

TOP TIPS FOR TRAVELING WITH PETS! The holiday season is approaching and if you're traveling with a pet, you may want to read on about how to keep your best friend safe. The following tips will help make your travels safer and smoother, not only during the busiest time of the year, but all the other days too! Let's first start with the road, since pets seem to frequent that mode of transportation most often: CAR SAFETY! 1. TAGS AREN'T JUST...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

During football season, nothing goes with a game like bbq and beer. So, it's Saturday afternoon, you're in your apartment and it's time to make this happen. Your beer's sitting pretty all cold in the fridge, but let's not defile your poor meat by turning it out on a George Foreman and trying to call it BBQ. Now, you could always haul your charcoal and ingredients down to your apartment complex's grilling area. But, I'm not really sure how...

Friday, October 15, 2010

You're approved to move, but can you afford to move-in? Times are tough and if you're like the majority of Americans out there, the economy has wreaked havoc on your credit. Apartment communities know that, which is why many of them are becoming more lax in their approvals. However, despite getting approved, there's the next obstacle: MOVE-IN FEES. Most people's funds are super tight right now, and so accommodating for moving expenses can...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

You're Online Dating & You Don't Even Know It! Is there still a stigma associated with online dating? Many of you say yes, while others are convinced that the decision to plug your personal stats into eHarmony,, and their ilk is now as socially acceptable as sending a tweet or checking into Foursquare. Even for those of us who haven't yet embraced the ever-increasing trend towards formalized online dating, the truth...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Don't think it could happen to you? We now live in a world that broadcasts our information to just about anyone. So now more than ever, it's especially important for those people who live alone (like Jessica who is still missing), to follow these simple steps to increase your safety and home security. You may be a college grad living on your own for the very first time. Or perhaps, you're an empty-nester, single parent, or a widow. Whatever...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

It takes time to transform a confined living space into a comfort zone without emptying your wallet, but it can be done! Turn your small apartment into a fun place to be, and relax in style. Decorating a small apartment on an even smaller budget can be a tricky task. The goal is to create a living area that is comfortable and enjoyable, while at the same time maximizing your space and minimizing the amount of cash spent on the whole design project. ...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Are you up to date with what's in season? Hurricanes can be dangerous killers. Learning the hurricane warning messages and planning ahead can reduce the chances of injury or major property damage. So, what exactly should you do BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER the storm? BEFORE Plan an evacuation route. • Contact the local emergency management office or American Red Cross chapter, and ask for the community hurricane preparedness plan. This plan...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Symptoms and Signs of a natural gas leak in your home Natural gas itself is not always the killer that consumes people, it is carbon monoxide poisoning that is caused by a leak. When most people hear the word gas, they generally assume gasoline. Natural gas, on the other hand, contains no liquid or mass. It is odorless, shapeless, and colorless. So, most times people don't realize it is even in the air until it's almost too late. For that reason,...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The secret to confronting obnoxious neighbors and getting them to change their behavior is knowing how and when to present your argument. UNDERSTANDING BAD BEHAVIOR Most neighbors who play stereos too loudly... let their kids jump up and down rumbling your ceiling at 7am on Saturday morning... or throw parties all hours of the night during the week... aren't malicious. They are simply insensitive or oblivious to your peace of mind and/or your...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

8 Tips to Keep Your Pets Happy While You're Away How do your pets feel after you leave for work? Are they sad? Do they act out on your furniture? Or, do they just lie around and cry wondering what they did wrong to make you leave? Pets are part of your family and they do everything they can to please you. So, why keep them bored out of their minds while you're busy at work? Here are eight tips to keep both you and your pet smiling while you're...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Household Dangers Home sweet home, right? Well, sort of. You may be unaware of the potential health dangers lurking in your abode -- from critters in the kitchen to bugs in the bedroom. Here's what you need to know -- and what to do. Your salt and pepper shakers When's the last time you cleaned your salt and pepper shakers? Exactly. These unassuming little items get touched in all parts of the meal-prep process. Example: You give your sauce a...